From the Tax Office

Be on the look out for scammers this tax time

This tax time you may receive an SMS or email from us or notice our presence on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Our presence in this space is legitimate and can be accessed through

We will never use these channels to request that you confirm, update or disclose confidential details like the following:

  • your name
  • date of birth
  • address
  • passwords
  • credit card details.

Never respond to unsolicited emails or SMS messages claiming to be from us, which request money or personal details. Hoax emails and websites can look very convincing, but are often poorly worded and contain spelling and grammatical mistakes. If you receive a request of this nature, you should report it to us immediately.

View our current SMS and email activities

You’ll also find information about how to report a scam, protect yourself online and examples of the latest scams targeting the Australian Taxation Office.

Don’t fall victim to sham contracting arrangements

We are conducting audits and reviewing instances where common law employees are being treated incorrectly as contractors.

Having an Australian business number (ABN) does not automatically make you a contractor. Generally speaking, contractors are paid for the results they achieve rather than the time they work. They also do not normally have to work during hours set by an agreement or award, and the employer does not provide them with the tools to do their work or direct their work.

For help in working out if you are an employee or contractor, use our ABN entitlement tool

If you have been disadvantaged by sham contracting arrangements or pressured to obtain an ABN you are not eligible for, you can report these unfair practices by phoning us on 1800 060 062. 

Paid Parental Leave scheme has started

From 1 July 2011, employers will be responsible for providing parental leave pay to eligible employees who have, or adopt, a child. Centrelink will contact you if you are required to provide parental leave pay to an employee, and will provide you with the required funds before you need to pay your employee.

You will need to withhold the usual PAYG tax. However, you don’t have to pay super on parental leave pay, so it will need to be separated from other amounts that attract a super guarantee liability.

You don’t have to change your employee’s usual pay cycle, set up any special bank accounts or report back to Centrelink. Costs incurred in administering the scheme will be tax deductible.

It’s also important to note that parental leave pay does not increase your payroll tax liabilities or workers compensation premium liabilities.

For more information:

employees/parents can phone 13 61 50.